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Eco-Farm Development
Tanzania, Africa

Tanzania Water Harvesting Swales

Tanzania Earth Block Construction at Permaculture Farm

Tanzania Earth Block Construction at Permaculture Farm

Tanzania Earth Block Construction at Permaculture Farm

Tanzania Earth Block Construction at Permaculture Farm

Tanzania Earth Block Construction at Permaculture Farm

Tanzania Eco Farm BEFORE

Tanzania Eco Farm 2010

Tanzania Eco Farm 2013

Tanzania Permaculture Farm Project

Permaculture Project in Tanzania
A community-scale farm supported by a grant from Global Resource Alliance to feed local orphans.
Develop a small-scale but intensive farm on a limited budget, using local materials, to supply healthy food to an orphanage and demonstrate Permaculture principles.
A building that serves as the orphanage and training center was built from compressed earth blocks, a sustainable building technology that utilizes local soil as the main building material. Passive water harvesting earthworks irrigate crops and control erosion from monsoonal rains. Plant selection was determined to support a balanced and diverse diet.
Project Lead: Jeremiah Kidd
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